my Cider-in-Fall

Made a second batch of cider on the 14th of October.


I cannot find my notes from my first batch of cider. It looks like I did an update from the train and it failed during upload and I lost everything after the first paragraph.  This makes me sad. It turned out to be pretty decent cider.

This batch has a couple of things different:  Its a kit again,but from Black Rock homebrew in new Zealand. The mix seemed thicker and more aromatic than the John Bull mix I used for the first batch. (I’ll have to try and recreate that entry. )  Plus I’m adding in some apple juice from actual apples I gathered from my Father in Law’s back yard. I used the juicer setting on my blender to get a juicy pulp of about 16 ounces and added that right into the batch.

Its a week or more on and I can barely detect yeast activity. The wife has kindly allowed me to stow it under the stair and so far there’s been little sign of fermentation.  I was just linking the directions from the Black ROck website for you to compare with my previous efforts and saw something I didn’t know about:  The yeast packets came in 3 sachets. I only added one. I will drag the fermentation unit from under the stair and add in the other packets.

I THINK I had to do the same with the first kit.  I’m still a bit bothered by using concentrate but I have to admit its less messy than 8 bottles of apple juice.  I don’t do this to save money but people always ask me how much it cost to make.  So roughly this can of concentrate (with yeast) cost 18£, 4 more for the sugar. Water free and I already had the fermentation unit. That gets you in at slightly less than 1£ per liter.

In another radical change I’m going to use collapsible water bottles to ferment half of this in, I found them at the pound store (ala dollar store) and the one I tested didn’t leak.  I will trust a third of my cider output to it.  Barring any deep freezing it should be ‘bottled’  in early November. drinkable in January. Better in Feb.


Portrait of Flash as a young man…

I want to do a podcast but I seem to be spending all my time listening to people who do it better! Like this guy:
Check out the website for the whole catalog.
He also moderates the hobby podcast group here on Facebook.
(I was a patron before he read my story in episode 230, honest!)

Here’s what I sent in, they used it almost verbatim…

Dear J and J:

It took me ages to come up with some things that I believed as a child. That’s a long way back when you’re 55! I hope you find one of these worthy of comment:

I remember believing that I had some unknown super power that just hadn’t appeared yet. I tried different things to make it kick in but the most common thing was when I got a shiver I would try to focus it into some sort of mind blast. I remember trying to explode tree stumps and make pits in the ground appear.

I also thought I could have learned how to fly Peter Pan style if people hadn’t told me I couldn’t. Once you believe in something like Gravity its hard to shake it off.

Third one is a bit religious oriented:

At Sunday School they told us that God saw everything and was everywhere and knew every little thing you did. I was willing to believe this but couldn’t figure out how he was doing it. So I decided in my 7-year-old brain that God used insects. That the antennae on ants and butterflies were his way of keeping track of whatever you did. Made perfect sense otherwise why did spies on TV worry about their phone calls being ‘bugged?’

Cheers from London via West b’gawd Virginia by way of Indiana…

Flash Jervis (Patron)