Thursday Delay

Train terminated at Basingstoke this am. No explanation why.

Twitter for SWtrains says its due to planned works in Wimbledon. Which we don’t even stop at.
So I got on the local. It’s more spacious but a bit more like a bus than a train. I wonder why it can route around Wimbledon but the Salisbury train couldn’t.

Reminded me that I was planning on doing this regular like; getting off the train in Basingstoke and moving over to another, more spacious train for the second half of the trip.

Not sure if I can justify arriving at work that much later but today it wasn’t my choice.


Ah….another failed posting. I’m really bummed about the spotty network coverage. Worse than none at all. In that case I wouldn’t get my hopes up. Just no time for it at work. Too much going on and too tired once I get home. That’s Juliet time anyway.

With two you get stains

Be seeing you

I placed my coat in the overhead shelf like I always do and the retrieved it when we arrived at Waterloo. Little did I know someone’s drink or art project spilled up there and when I took my coat off at work I saw that my right sleeve had a stark white and slightly chalky stain on it. It looked like a cursive number 2.

It came out easily but I couldn’t help but wonder what other people thought as I walked past. And I admired how it was perfectly at “shoulder patch” height on my arm. Almost as if it had been put there on purpose.


I think this is further sign that I am being culled from the pack. 🙂

With two you get stains

I placed my coat in the overhead shelf like I always do and the retrieved it when we arrived at Waterloo. Little did I know someone’s drink or art project spilled up there and when I took my coat off at work I saw that my right sleeve had a stark white and slightly chalky stain on it. It looked like a cursive number 2.

It came easily but I couldn’t help but wonder what people I walked past thought. And admire how it was perfectly at shoulder patch height on my arm. Almost as if it had been put there on purpose.


I think this is further sign that I am being culled from the pack. 🙂

Its Luck!

Those ladies were back in Trafalgar square today.
You know the ones.
They dress a bit Eastern Block but when they speak it’s always a bit Cockney. I suppose they were going for a Liza Dolittle look.

They were giving out little bits of colored tissue paper held in a carnation shape by a bit of tin foil. Today’s were yellow.
I heard it was a way of choosing a mark. Of culling the herd so to speak.
She said “Flower for ya love?”
I never broke stride and said “No Thank you.” very firmly.
As I proceeded past she added “Its Luck…”

I had to agree. It was entirely Luck. It always is.

Dream Police

Dream hat trick:

1) I dreamed I was at work and used a soda machine and it gave me a huge handful of change then dropped 5 bottles of soda. I passed them around then realized none of them were the flavor I wanted. I remember saying “Look at me, complaining about free soda!”
When I went to my office I found it was different from I left it, including a large screen on an armature. I referred to it as ‘the pit and the pendulum.’ I was handed a seating chart and when I went to where my new desk was I found it was tiny cubicle that didn’t have room for a phone and a screen. There were no walls either. Very Office Space.

2) I was interviewing someone who had a bizarre species of catfish that lived in the dead carcass of larger fish. When the lady who owned it went out to show the photographer her little girl told me to have a nice nap in the sun.

I almost made it to sleep when they came in with the catfish and it smelled awful! I think it was also a walking catfish because they didn’t have it in a tank or bowl. I remember the mother said “There’s something you should know about the catfish.”

3) I dreamed I was trying to convince some guy I was part Italian. I told him that because I liked the Napoli region and Napoli style pizza I assumed my ancestors were from there.
Then I worried that there wasn’t a Napoli region of Italy.

I said ” To look at me you wouldn’t think I had any Italian in me.” For that I got a hug. Then a huge dog with curly grey fur came in and jumped on the bed.

Oddly I was not bothered by this.


Am I a hoarder?

I’m a victim of a late night today and I find my muzzly-thinking brain has me  watching Hoarders and asking if I am a hoarder? I have stuff I haven’t even touched in a year’s time. Some of it has value, but most is just tied to my past, my memories.  I often wonder if I really need anything more than my clothes and computer. I’m just worried I’d lose any anchor to the past I might still have and that alone is worth paying the storage price for that day when I might go back and open a tub of memories.



un-Polished response

Last week as I was walking home a gentlemen coming from the other direction smiled and said “Hello.” as he passed by. I said hello back and when he was a few steps past me he said:  “Bloody Polish!” I thought I must have miss heard him so I paused, looked back and said  “Sorry?” He pointed back down the street towards town and repeated “Bloody Polish!” I looked where he was pointing and didn’t see anything unusual about Salisbury high street. Especially not anything Polish.

Cheese cross in Salisbury City Centre

Cheese cross in Salisbury City Centre

He walked on and I apologised to his back: “Sorry, I’m American. I don’t understand.”