the only thing

The only Good thing about it being -2 overnight is that I get to tell that joke I stole from Futurama:
me: It got down to -2 last night.
Rube: Fahrenheit or Celsius?
me: First one, then the other.
I’m going to keep telling it Weather you laugh or not. 

Article: Even for the active, a long sit shortens life and erodes health

Not much hope for someone who commutes 4 hours a day.
There are a lot of pop ups on this page.

Staring at the E

I spend a lot of time on the train watching my mobile connection. No point posting anything or hitting send if there’s an E on the screen. Or worse GPRS. Kevin Bacon calls it “buffer face.” At 5am we all have buffer face.

Don’t suffer the buffer!

Missed Interaction

I was all bundled up and had my headphones in on the walk to the station today. Behind the podcast I thought I could hear someone shout. I glanced to the side and a car was stopped on the opposite side of the street with the driver side window was down. (I’m in England so the driver was on my side of the car.) For some reason I chose to pretend not to hear.

Maybe it was the podcast about fear I was listening to…maybe I thought the car looked dodgy. Maybe because people are always asking me directions and I don’t know any for the area I was in. Anyway I kept walking with eyes forward and down. He gave up after a third shout and drove on. A few minutes later the same car drove by in the other direction so I’m guessing he just wanted directions. I feel bad I didn’t try to help but…what? I’m conditioned to be inside my little bubble from the moment I rise till I get to work. Strangers surround me for hours and you’re expected to pull yourself in and pay no attention to things going on around you.

I am a private person, I don’t like people asking me questions till I really get comfortable with them. A scene in a TV show last night had this line: “I didn’t ask where you got your money, don’t ask me where I get my socks.” Nosy people really bug me.

That’s why I’m doing this blog. To respond to the urge for communication, but do it at a bit of a distance. Till I get to know you a bit better.

Its a tricky bit of juggling.

Amaryllis Gratis

IMG_1616When this Amaryllis was donated to me it was already pushing at the box to get out and get growing so I gave it a sunny spot in the conservatory and hey presto! Four big blossoms.  The one facing the cold window wilted a bit but the others are robust.  I’m not a big fan of bulbs but this one was dead easy. Came in its own pot and soil.