Absence makes the heart grow fonder…

My friend Fritz posted a good video about my hometown of Huntington, West Virginia.


It’s on FB so if you can’t view it, try this one from the Mayor:



Spray it forward

There is a hotel near our classroom building here in London. A very swanky high class hotel with only the best clientelle. Late Wednesday evening I saw this guy weaving along long the sidewalk between the buildings very obviously drunk.
He grinned a cheeky grin at me and proceeded to turn towards the hotel wall and relieve himself! I was a bit shocked at this behavior even for drunken Englishmen and shouted: “Oy! There are people in those rooms Mate! How would like it if someone went to the loo outside your hotel room?”

Still grinning he looked over his shoulder at me and shouted: “As you Americans say, BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!”

Magner’s Cider and pint

Not sure why pictures I post via email are rotated.

I thought I was getting a good deal on cider till I got the bottle.  Pints of cider are selling for £4.50 to £4.70 ($7.19). I’ve had entire meals that didn’t cost that much.


The only message I ever got from the Baptists and Methodists in my youth was “Stay out of trouble and you won’t be IN trouble.” I think Will Smith put it better: “Don’t start nuthin’ ain’t gonna be nuthin’.”
But there were several really good teachers in our little high school and I wish I could let them know how all their long suffering hours helped me grow into an adult. And that’s not to diminish our vice principal mr. Hussell. I can think of at least 3 times he helped me out and I wasn’t aware enough to realize it at the time and say thank you. Mr. Shy, Mr. Moore, Mrs. Moore. mr. Marcum, mr. Plymale ? Mrs. Rollins! Mrs. Berry. Mr. Kilgore. All the rest. Thank God for all of them. I remember their names and wish I was half the mentor the least of any of them are.

(no points for that awkward last sentence!)