Can’t make this stuff up kids.

The train guard came thru checking everyone’s tickets like this: He would look at our cards as he went saying “Any unchecked tickets? Thank you. Thank you. That’s ok. Thank you.” and then every so often he’d go. “Thank you. thank you. YESSS! Thank you, thank you….” Sounded like he was channelling Phil Hartman!

Sunshine (Reagan?)

A woman on the bus opposite me was playing this tune so loud on her headphones I was able to use SoundHound on my iPhone to figure out what it was. I thought the chorus was saying Sunshine Reagan.

It sounds like some of the independent bands I hear on surf radio sometimes so I dived into the rabbit hole to see who this band ‘Laid Back’ was.

The video for Sunshine Reggae on YouTube was pretty painful to watch

and very much of the 1980s. Which surprised me so I thought I should check just in case they were doing an 80’s style video ‘Ironically.’

A quick check of Wiki revealed they’re not normally reggae singers and they’re not American either.

You may remember this tune by them instead of Sunshine Reggae because it’s been sampled several times. I remember singing along with this without any clue what ‘White Horse’ was referring to.

I’m kinda boggled this morning to think the same band made hits of two such disparate songs. And they did it in the 80s when cross over artists were hard to find.

Especially cross over artists who sky-dived with their instruments and a microwave!

I missed a lot by not having MTV…



Tiny white Flowers


Everything is coming out in white flowers this year:This is my olive tree…

and these are some Bacopa we bought recently….

and this one just some wild flower that came up in an empty pot:


And my poor orchid had an unfortunate screen door accident and is down to two (white) flowers.

Near and Deer?

I saw a deer in our tiny sub-division of Salisbury and I can’t get over how far it must have traveled from the woods. And where it might be going…deertrack

I saw it in the little patch of green next to the house icon. As you can see its fairly isolated from other woods. Even the two green areas nearby are mostly fields and a few shrubs. My best guess is it came up the river Nader then used the railway underpass at Cherry Orchard lane and some how dodged all that traffic to get to where I saw it. Maybe it has relatives at Old Sarum it wanted to visit.

Already a scorcher

I came home from a stay over in London to find that my orchid plant was turning brown and loosing flowers! I believe it is from the excess heat that accumulates in the conservatory. It still has 6 or so blooms out of the 13 plus it had before but it may be that I’ve caused it too much stress and it will not last till August. I moved it to a spot in the kitchen where it will not get direct sun and the heat is better regulated.

It would really be something if it stayed in bloom all that time but I may have signed its death knell.

The new olive tree seems to like it though it will stress from lack of water as well.

And my poor pineapple top that has hung on all thru the winter got too much water and has turned brown in the center. There are still green leaves on it but I think inattention has killed it off too.  I’ll start another one soon. I need the fresh fruit for my blender drinks. 🙂