Have I learned nothing about commuting?

I have given it a lot of thought, since there’s not much room to do anything else in the mornings. The goal is to avoid being crowded to the last possible moment while still not being offensive to my fellow … Continue reading

the man who couldn’t see london

I have a nightmare in which I go slowly blind as the train approaches London and then I wander around the platform before getting back on board. My vision slowly returns but isn’t completely restored until the guard announces my home … Continue reading

waiting for the patch

Magic duels has several broken cards in it; the worse so far is Angel of Tithes not letting you actually pay to attack . Also the interface often puts the spell your casting on top of the target creature. The … Continue reading

train to Knowhere?

One evening on the train home the guard dropped in a few extra destinations: “This is the 7:50 service to Yeovil calling at Tungsten, BiPolar and Overtake Lane.” I guess the pressure gets to everyone once in a while. … Continue reading

Tiny white Flowers

  Everything is coming out in white flowers this year:This is my olive tree… and these are some Bacopa we bought recently…. and this one just some wild flower that came up in an empty pot:   And my poor orchid … Continue reading