No wrong answers

Black sheep in the fog, always getting closer. Wet plastic against glass…no, ice. Wet ice with bubbles beneath. Hills denuded of trees, of life. More black sheep, these with accusing eyes. A shadow in an office window, abandoned and alone. … Continue reading

earthborn no longer

Original version: Sara rushed into the room, the early spring sun highlighting her form like a Christmas ghost. I could see the excitement in her face and her posture. And the wings, I could see the wings they had given … Continue reading

Day 3: “New Cumberland, W. Va”

“W——’s enthusiasm for botany frequently takes us ashore. Landing at the foot of some eroded steep which, with ragged charm, rises sharply from the gravelly beach, we fasten Pilgrim’s painter to a stone, and go scrambling over the hillside in … Continue reading

a glimpse of long ago

I’m watching the evening settle in around the treehouse I built today. There’s no squirrels this evening, just a few late cicadas and a bird or two. Frogs join the chorus as the shadows lengthen under the trees. I have all the … Continue reading

quiet coach

I’m sitting here on the morning train and it is surprisingly quiet. So much so that other than the hum of the train on the rails there’s not much background noise to block out conversation. So when someone picks up their … Continue reading

I hear arguments

I hear arguments “I didn’t move the fridge, who would do that?” “It doesn’t match the countertop, it must have been moved!” “It never matched the countertop, its white and the countertop is grey.” “Bloody Hell woman! I mean its … Continue reading

PostCard: Three Cups Inn, Stockbridge

They have three ciders on draught, very unusual for pubs around here. They have Harry Sparrow (4.6%,) Stofford Press (4.5%), and Pheasant Plucker(4.5%).  Pheasant Plucker is a tad sweet,  Harry Sparrow very good for an Asphal cider, and Stofford Press … Continue reading