After the previous note from my mother is this short letter written to a Gospel show on a local radio staition, the key part of this is her naming her sister Mary who I was just writing about in my … Continue reading
Category Archives: writing
I found a few pages of my mother’s handwriting in a notebook that had orginally been owned by my brother Kelly. It only has 4 or 5 pages in it, but I have never read them till now. Its Interesting … Continue reading
The line of cars creeping up the hill was short compared to how many were parked outside the funeral home. RJ was fourth in line and there was maybe another four behind him. Many of the people who came to … Continue reading
RJ recognized the room. This was the same room where his father’s funeral was held a decade before. Though this time there was no hiding in the back row with his school buddy Tripplett. In fact, the seats were gone … Continue reading
The foyer of Moore Funeral Home was slightly cooler than the afternoon warmth of October just outside, and much darker. RJ stood blinking for a moment and tried to read the announcements on the wall while his eyes swam. He … Continue reading
It was a short drive down the hill from the Park and Shop across the bridge and up the winding road that led to town center. The roads looked in a bit better shape than RJ remembered, the hills unchanged. … Continue reading
This is text I found in an old notebook, I don’t believe the previous chapters still exists. Its labeled “chapter 5, Spirit of the Wood.” Looks like a rough text, and there’s even a note to myself to re-write it, … Continue reading
RJ pulled his Honda into the roadside Park and Shop. When he was last here this was just a repair shop and some guy named Shorty did all the car repair, drove the wrecker and sometimes even the school bus. … Continue reading
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Just a clip from a story I wrote 9 years ago. music is mark knoppler, hope its not too loud. if you like, I’ll do more.