I placed my coat in the overhead shelf like I always do and the retrieved it when we arrived at Waterloo. Little did I know someone’s drink or art project spilled up there and when I took my coat off … Continue reading
Category Archives: CatTales
Those ladies were back in Trafalgar square today. You know the ones. They dress a bit Eastern Block but when they speak it’s always a bit Cockney. I suppose they were going for a Liza Dolittle look. They were giving … Continue reading
Dream hat trick: 1) I dreamed I was at work and used a soda machine and it gave me a huge handful of change then dropped 5 bottles of soda. I passed them around then realized none of them were … Continue reading
Last week as I was walking home a gentlemen coming from the other direction smiled and said “Hello.” as he passed by. I said hello back and when he was a few steps past me he said: “Bloody Polish!” I thought I must have miss heard … Continue reading
I want to do a podcast but I seem to be spending all my time listening to people who do it better! Like this guy: Check out the http://nlcast.com/ website for the whole catalog. He also moderates the hobby podcast … Continue reading
I dreamed I was trying to put out a huge brush fire. My only tool: An aluminum baseball bat. Gives new meaning to “Fire fighting.”
I want to write some stuff. My brain doesn’t want to. This note is a compromise. Probably better in the long run if I just sit with my eyes closed for a bit.
I’d built a rather elaborate scenario in my head based on the song Salisbury Hill. Turns out its “Solsbury Hill”. I’m shattered but I couldn’t explain the eagle reference anyway… wiki entry: The song by Peter Gabriel I don’t know … Continue reading
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