Last night it was suddenly very important to me to find out if the “Scotch pines” back home were actually from Scotland or native and if they were the same thing as a “Scots pine.” But ultimately it was more … Continue reading
Category Archives: CatTales
The seat back in front of me has a crack in it right at forehead level. There’s tiny lines and dendrites like a brain cell. What if someone thought something so hard that it became embedded in the vinyl? I … Continue reading
Morgana: You came to me in a dream last night and in short order much that had vexed me is now corrected. I’m sure they all deserved it more than I deserve you! And all you asked in return was a takeaway and some lemon … Continue reading
The bouncer saw me shout “Last Man Standing!” The bouncer saw Doyle shout back “Who you calling a man?” The bouncer saw the drinks, the slime, the…the pseudo-pods. The bouncer helped me pour Doyle into a cab. And I mean pour. … Continue reading

Things I actually encountered on the walk to work: An unusually diffuse quality to the morning light. The smell of dirty water everywhere. A trail of discarded playing cards leading from a post box to the village apothecary. A single brown … Continue reading
Mitzi cocked an ear in my direction. Eventually her whole head followed. “Why are you rattling all that paper, can’t you see I’m trying to sleep?” “You’re always trying to sleep. If I was quiet every time you were asleep … Continue reading
Original version: Sara rushed into the room, the early spring sun highlighting her form like a Christmas ghost. I could see the excitement in her face and her posture. And the wings, I could see the wings they had given … Continue reading
I’m watching the evening settle in around the treehouse I built today. There’s no squirrels this evening, just a few late cicadas and a bird or two. Frogs join the chorus as the shadows lengthen under the trees. I have all the … Continue reading
I’m sitting here on the morning train and it is surprisingly quiet. So much so that other than the hum of the train on the rails there’s not much background noise to block out conversation. So when someone picks up their … Continue reading
I hear arguments “I didn’t move the fridge, who would do that?” “It doesn’t match the countertop, it must have been moved!” “It never matched the countertop, its white and the countertop is grey.” “Bloody Hell woman! I mean its … Continue reading