About FlashJ

I was born a small grey alien on the south side of the Kanawha Valley to a Coal Miner's daughter and the son of a son of a sailor.

my apologies

to anyone of irish, Scottish, or Native American heritage. I am not attempting to make any kind of historically accurate representation here, I’m just tryint to tell a tale… As Jimmy says: “It’s a semi-true story Believe it or not … Continue reading

Customer’s or Clients?

Where do people get their ideas about IT support? We’re more hated than mechanics, paid less than the garbage man, and yet we’re supposed to be miracle workers who can sort out the mess you’ve made while you go to … Continue reading

15 movies list in 15 minutes

Don’t take too long to think about it: Fifteen movies you’ve seen that will always stick with you. First fifteen you can recall in no more than 15 minutes. In no particular order: 1 ghostbusters 2 mystic river 3 men … Continue reading

We interrupt your regularly scheduled storyline…

FYI: If you’ve noticed a change between the ‘voice’ of the character RJ between his childhood stories set in WVa, and as a grownup living in Indiana, good for you, its entirely intentional. Its part of the transistion of the … Continue reading

Chapter Ten: Overnight on the Hill

Ron’s house wasn’t actually a house at all but a double-wide trailer he’d somehow got to the top of Wilson’s Creek hill. It was full dark by the time they’d driven back thru down, down the other branch of Wilson’s … Continue reading