About FlashJ

I was born a small grey alien on the south side of the Kanawha Valley to a Coal Miner's daughter and the son of a son of a sailor.

Time for the Racking– TNB style.

About two days ago I added some sugar and brown sugar to the primary fermentation, giving TNB the same ultimatium I gave the earlier batch, if I didn’t see marked signs of fermenation, it was into the bottles with the … Continue reading

patience x 3

TOB is quietly continuing to ferment in the secondary bottles. I will leave it till the weekend except where back pressure is involved. Do another test to see if the alcohol level is going up. TNB is showing a tiny … Continue reading

fermentarium’s support of my decision:

fermentarium » Blog Archive » Making hard cider at home Q&A. I drank half a bottle of Uncle John’s Cider with some curry tonight. I was pretty sad stuff. The stuff from Lehman’s scored a 8 with me and this … Continue reading

Stop in for a half. Or a gallon and a half.

I decided that wheter its good or not, its not going to get any closer to being cider in the primary fermentation. So I bought a sipon and cleansed it with the suflite cleanser, along with a couple of apple … Continue reading

One last visit…or three

Doyle and I hopped in the flashmobile and headed for Elkhart yesterday. We went to the “Quality Brewing Supply” place that I had ordered items from on the internet. Turns out the address they post is not where the store … Continue reading

Some decisions made and TCS takes the lead…

I went in search of cheap canning jars of the pint or so variety while I decided what to do about the TOB and its lacktivity. I didn’t find any for cheap save for some quart sized bottles and there … Continue reading