April’s finds From Upper Left:Victoria Ha-penny, George V Penny (1929), George V Farthing (1922), Elizabeth II Sixpence(1954), George V Ha-penny (1935), Trapezoidal buckle (17thc), Copper Alloy buckle, Various plain buttons (1750s-1800s), old old musket ball (16th c.) … Continue reading
My fig plant with a fig forming: Year one it looked amazing when I bought it from a greenhouse in Germany but it didn’t like the window sill I had it on and promptly lost all its leaves and played … Continue reading
I’m very chuffed to find my first clearly Roman coin today!. I think I’ve had others but they were so badly worn that I don’t think it really counts. Roman coin: antoninianus, or radiate depicting Diocletian, 284 to 305 ADA button … Continue reading
I’m slightly disappointed that it doesn’t actually say Florin on it, and a bit more disappointed that it’s not one of the silver ones, but a Florin’s a Florin! https://www.silveragecoins.com/en/details.php?item=1458 … Continue reading
I saw lots of people posting finds this weekend despite all the snow so when the temp climbed from -6c this morning to my minimal acceptable lower limit I dashed out for a quick 90 minutes in my favorite field. … Continue reading
I scrabbled a lot in the gravel of a dry riverbed today. Not many finds worth commenting on, but this one is a bit remarkable. It looks like a ring but it’s not, it’s a finger ring from a candle holder. … Continue reading
One night I had a dream in which I was playing Warcraft and all I did was hang out in the part of Dark Shore known as the ‘Twilight Vale’ with my 110th level night elf hunter toon and fought … Continue reading
Wiltshire Regiment, Signal Corps cap badge, Dorset(shire) Regiment … Continue reading
Victorian Dress WeightSmall Watch Face, gold plated silverEdward Vii Ha-penny, 1904Late Victoria Ha-Penny, 1896 George Vi Half Crown, 1948 I’m amazed and proud to say I’ve been given a new permission. It has some interesting history around it and I’m … Continue reading
“How embarrassing. The continuation of our species matters more than you can imagine. It is the single most important thing we can do. Sounds good to me, I said. I didn’t have to say: can we change the meeting from … Continue reading