About FlashJ

I was born a small grey alien on the south side of the Kanawha Valley to a Coal Miner's daughter and the son of a son of a sailor.

Catching up on Finds

April’s finds From Upper Left:Victoria Ha-penny, George V Penny (1929), George V Farthing (1922), Elizabeth II Sixpence(1954), George V Ha-penny (1935), Trapezoidal buckle (17thc), Copper Alloy buckle, Various plain buttons (1750s-1800s), old old musket ball (16th c.) … Continue reading

Roman at last!

I’m very chuffed to find my first clearly Roman coin today!. I think I’ve had others but they were so badly worn that I don’t think it really counts. Roman coin: antoninianus, or radiate depicting Diocletian, 284 to 305 ADA button … Continue reading

A Florin’s a Florin!

I’m slightly disappointed that it doesn’t actually say Florin on it, and a bit more disappointed that it’s not one of the silver ones, but a Florin’s a Florin! https://www.silveragecoins.com/en/details.php?item=1458 … Continue reading

A different sort of finger ring

I scrabbled a lot in the gravel of a dry riverbed today. Not many finds worth commenting on, but this one is a bit remarkable. It looks like a ring but it’s not, it’s a finger ring from a candle holder. … Continue reading

Promising Finds

Victorian Dress WeightSmall Watch Face, gold plated silverEdward Vii Ha-penny, 1904Late Victoria Ha-Penny, 1896 George Vi Half Crown, 1948 I’m amazed and proud to say I’ve been given a new permission. It has some interesting history around it and I’m … Continue reading

This came in as spam today

“How embarrassing. The continuation of our species matters more than you can imagine. It is the single most important thing we can do. Sounds good to me, I said. I didn’t have to say: can we change the meeting from … Continue reading