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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
checked on my cider and it was 80 inside that shed. So i brought them back in and parked them in the corner of my bedroom. Doyle’s lead on a fridge fell thru, and I will find one somewhere. but … Continue reading
post from ipad app not sure why it works, but it does… trying to edit existing post. two
I’ve been unable to track down a fridge for my storage area. I fear the heat will ruin my cider just a month shy of drinkability. Temperature 94.6 °F Feels Like 101 °F If only I could dig a root … Continue reading
Letter from Geraldine Jervis: APRIL 4TH, 1986 Saturday Dearest Son + Family Will write a few lines to say hello and I finally got a long awaited letter from you. I called back after you called and you were away … Continue reading
What if when we died we had to play Jeopardy and the categories were like “Things I’ve only said once in my life.”, “People you met twice.” “Bad Decisions” “Weights and Measures”, “Masks” and “Hindsight.” I don’t know if It … Continue reading