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I took advantage of our quiet weekend and drove over to Elkhart to grab some replacement bottles. I bought some blue 1 pint bottles with the bale top, much like grolsh bottles but blue of course. I had 3 remaining … Continue reading
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Recent visits to the storage shed where my mini fridge sits have been disapointing. I’ve lost another 3 bottles! I THINK I’m down to 5 bottles from this batch of Cider, and they haven’t been in the bottle a month … Continue reading
Down 3 bottles of the July batch. All of them inside the mini fridge. The one thing in common? They were lying on their sides. Seems the bale top bottles can’t gas out the pressure if they aren’t the uppermost … Continue reading
My first clue that there was a bigger world out there … … Continue reading
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Cider that is. I’m taking advantage of the long weekend to brew up a fresh batch of Promissory. Keeping closer notes on it so that I can get a bit more consistency between bottles. ALL of its been drinkable, but … Continue reading
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.