About FlashJ

I was born a small grey alien on the south side of the Kanawha Valley to a Coal Miner's daughter and the son of a son of a sailor.

Spain -Faro Isla Mouro By Rafael G. Riancho (Lunada) / Rafa Riancho

  Spain -Faro Isla Mouro By Rafael G. Riancho (Lunada) / Rafa Riancho http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=459289587438750&set=a.198322266868818.87371.198320350202343&type=1&relevant_count=1     … Continue reading

August already?

How did it get to be August already? I was toying with doing NANOWRIMO Summercamp for August just this weekend. Didn’t dawn on me that I’d best get writing… Might still try, haven’t done much of anything since publishing my … Continue reading

Variation in taste and my quest.

I just drank an excellent bottle of cider. I would have gladly pitted it against  80% of all the ciders I’ve ever tasted. And it was mine. It was one of the current “Luck of the Irish” batch mentioned earlier. … Continue reading