About FlashJ

I was born a small grey alien on the south side of the Kanawha Valley to a Coal Miner's daughter and the son of a son of a sailor.

Marantha leuconeura kerchoveana

Saved from a basket someone left at work. My wife has been calling this her Office variegated. Now that it’s home I should learn the proper name for it. Common name, prayer plant. There are many varieties of Maranta. At … Continue reading


Tokens don’t fair as well as actual coins so it took a bit of researching to find this one: Emsworth halfpenny token commemorating Admiral of the Fleet Richard Howe (1726-1799) and the Glorious First of June, 1794. Bust of Admiral … Continue reading

Sassy Cidre

I tried their Rose’ flavor and the Poire’ flavor. I did not like them. I thought they were too sweet and left an undesireable flavor on the pallet. It did have the ‘smell of french ciders’ so I don’t doubt … Continue reading

The Highs and Lows of Metal Detecting

 This came up all gold and shiny in the sun and really got my heart racing! But little did I know how sad a perfectly crushed bottle top could make me till I looked a little closer. I found myself wishing … Continue reading

Finds from a long weekend

I got out to detect twice over the long weekend and found some interesting things: A 17th c. thimble, completely flat but still with some interesting details visible. A badge from something, maybe a saddle, maybe a tractor. A musket … Continue reading