I haven’t mentioned it much but I have converted an old fish tank into a hydroponics tank and have several cuttings on the go. The pink briarose I posted about last week has decided to bloom. Hopefully, that means it … Continue reading
Several truck loads of chalk arrived while I was out detecting the other day and the drivers weren’t that bothered about getting it all in one pile. I scanned various small piles of chalk as I wandered just like I … Continue reading
My boxwood bonsai tree is blooming! Probably needs a pruning but I will wait till after the flowers have come and gone. The hover bees like the blossoms a lot. Here’s another view of the blooms … Continue reading
The low for this time of year in Salisbury is 8c. Tonight it will drop to 4. The overnight lows for the next week are all below that. A couple of times it will be 1 or 2c. I feel … Continue reading
The first bottles of Grimstead Green to be bottled in over a year. Maybe two. Don’t get too excited though, this is just the side project I mentioned in the previous post. It tastes very ‘citrusy’ at this point. I … Continue reading
This weekend I took advantage of the rainy day to transfer my cider from the primary fermentor to the second one. The foam had pretty much died down and the burps were coming few and far between so the signs … Continue reading
If you had told me yesterday that it would take me 4 hours to get my cider making kit all set up I would not have believed you. And I probably won’t have tried. 🙂 But it did and blame … Continue reading
I knew yesterday that I should make a post about starting the primary fermentation but I got distracted by the threat of a late spring frost that had me bringing back in the 30 or so plants I took out … Continue reading
 This was my weekend project: displaying a few of my finds in a glass-front case. Notes from various sources including myself, and maybe a little shifting has occurred since I hung it on the wall… ————————— 1- LEAD TOY … Continue reading
www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22777029 _–_–_–_–_–_–_ … Continue reading