About FlashJ

I was born a small grey alien on the south side of the Kanawha Valley to a Coal Miner's daughter and the son of a son of a sailor.

Thursday Delay

Train terminated at Basingstoke this am. No explanation why. Twitter for SWtrains says its due to planned works in Wimbledon. Which we don’t even stop at. So I got on the local. It’s more spacious but a bit more like … Continue reading

With two you get stains

I placed my coat in the overhead shelf like I always do and the retrieved it when we arrived at Waterloo. Little did I know someone’s drink or art project spilled up there and when I took my coat off … Continue reading

Its Luck!

Those ladies were back in Trafalgar square today. You know the ones. They dress a bit Eastern Block but when they speak it’s always a bit Cockney. I suppose they were going for a Liza Dolittle look. They were giving … Continue reading