About FlashJ

I was born a small grey alien on the south side of the Kanawha Valley to a Coal Miner's daughter and the son of a son of a sailor.

waiting for the patch

Magic duels has several broken cards in it; the worse so far is Angel of Tithes not letting you actually pay to attack . Also the interface often puts the spell your casting on top of the target creature. The … Continue reading

things you think of in slow traffic…

I had this idea for car to car communication back in 1980, maybe a little earlier. I think it was inspired by the IR port on an Apple Newton. (No bluetooth back then.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicular_communication_systems#Development I had a friend in high … Continue reading

Can’t make this stuff up kids.

The train guard came thru checking everyone’s tickets like this: He would look at our cards as he went saying “Any unchecked tickets? Thank you. Thank you. That’s ok. Thank you.” and then every so often he’d go. “Thank you. … Continue reading

train to Knowhere?

One evening on the train home the guard dropped in a few extra destinations: “This is the 7:50 service to Yeovil calling at Tungsten, BiPolar and Overtake Lane.” I guess the pressure gets to everyone once in a while. … Continue reading

Tiny white Flowers

  Everything is coming out in white flowers this year:This is my olive tree… and these are some Bacopa we bought recently…. and this one just some wild flower that came up in an empty pot:   And my poor orchid … Continue reading