I walk under a bridge to get to the station each morning and once very early I ran into a guy who pointed back the way he came and grumbled “Bloody Polish!” He was all moon eyed and jittery but … Continue reading
The best way to learn math is to learn how to fail productively http://qz.com/535443/the-best-way-to-understand-math-is-learning-how-to-fail-productively/ … Continue reading
I saw an armoured batman entering Waterloo station this morning. He needed a ticket just like everyone else.
Research just confirmed your suspicions: Yes, your cat basically does rule your house http://hellogiggles.com/research-cat-rule-house/ … Continue reading
I have given it a lot of thought, since there’s not much room to do anything else in the mornings. The goal is to avoid being crowded to the last possible moment while still not being offensive to my fellow … Continue reading
I think this is just year two for this Yucca but it is huge and had to have a massive pot. I can barely lift it! It really responds to the sunny conservatory and milder temps inside.
Continue readingMy Father-in-Law has a large back yard (the paddock) with three different apple trees in it. One is a ‘baking apple’ that he doesn’t remember the name of, the second is definitely a “Lord Darby” and the third is a … Continue reading
This hardy orchid has had a bloom on it since August 14th of last year. At one point there were 14 blossoms. Down to one now, but budding is continuing
Continue readingI have a nightmare in which I go slowly blind as the train approaches London and then I wander around the platform before getting back on board. My vision slowly returns but isn’t completely restored until the guard announces my home … Continue reading