About FlashJ

I was born a small grey alien on the south side of the Kanawha Valley to a Coal Miner's daughter and the son of a son of a sailor.

All the clues were there

Things I actually encountered on the walk to work: An unusually diffuse quality to the morning light. The smell of dirty water everywhere. A trail of discarded playing cards leading from a post box to the village apothecary. A single brown … Continue reading

Attention span

Mitzi cocked an ear in my direction. Eventually her whole head followed. “Why are you rattling all that paper, can’t you see I’m trying to sleep?” “You’re always trying to sleep. If I was quiet every time you were asleep … Continue reading

All the clues were there

My first clue was the lightness of the morning and the smell of sewage. Then a trail of playing cards from the post box to the village apothecary. Odd, its been closed for years. The cards were ‘arranged’ around a … Continue reading

No wrong answers

Black sheep in the fog, always getting closer. Wet plastic against glass…no, ice. Wet ice with bubbles beneath. Hills denuded of trees, of life. More black sheep, these with accusing eyes. A shadow in an office window, abandoned and alone. … Continue reading

spring garden

Just a quick photo record of my small patch. April 3rd, 2016: Avocado, year two Amaryllis after the wind storm Top shelf with what I could salvage from the green house: Shelf two: No idea what’s in these anymore… Seeds … Continue reading

Thoughts before the Last Meal

It’s kinda beautiful, in its own way. I guess. Especially how the spines shimmer in the moonlight. I should have noticed them sooner. Its voice is melodious and lyrical despite all the booming intimations of pending digestion. With the recent … Continue reading