Several truck loads of chalk arrived while I was out detecting the other day and the drivers weren’t that bothered about getting it all in one pile. I scanned various small piles of chalk as I wandered just like I would a mole hole or other pile of earth, not really expecting any of it to ring up you know?
Well one of them did and I found this chalky round thing. It’s just shy of 2cm in diameter and has a bit of weight to it:
After rinsing it off I could see some ornate diamond-shaped depressions on one side and a rough, almost stone-like reverse with no sign of button or pin attachments. It does not appear to be magnetic. The flakes in the left hand ‘diamond’ are reddish when you turn it in the light.
(A lime green post-it note was probably not the best background to use but I was a bit rushed. 🙂
I asked where the chalk was being shipped from and was told ‘The Lark Hill area.’ I have no idea what I have here but I think its probably part of an larger decorative lead/tin alloy object, c. 1850+.
Also from the same trip was this smashing medieval buckle, complete with the metal strike plate still attached. I’ll be glad to get that identified when this is all over but my best guess is 17th century.

I forgot to mention I’d also found this gear from something. A bit large for a pocketwatch but perhaps some sort of clockwork.