A litre Cider hustle

This weekend I took advantage of the rainy day to transfer my cider from the primary fermentor to the second one. The foam had pretty much died down and the burps were coming few and far between so the signs were right.

I wanted to add some apples from grimstead but due to the wet fall we had last year there werent any apples left from granda’s garden. I had prepped some back then but they somehow got into apple pie instead (yum!)

So this batch, my first for over a year, will be basic fare straight from the kit to the glass. I did vary my method a bit by putting honey into the secondary fermenter instead of waiting to add it to each bottle. I Might still do that, or I might not bottle it at all, depends on what I get in two month’s time.

However, I couldn’t resist doing a little experimenting while I was at it. You’ll remember that I had drained off about a liter and a half of cider from the Primary into a carboy to ease the pressure on the Primary. When it came time to put that into the Secondary I just looked at it and thought I might try something a bit different. I rummaged for something to flavour it with and debated on ginger or cinnamon, and eventually came across two cans of ‘Appletiser’ that the Mrs had bought and didn’t like. She really LIKES Appletiser but these were ‘Apple and Lime’ flavour and she didn’t get on well with the extra citrus. I liked it though so and since it only contains apple juice and a squeeze of lime I put them both into the carboy to bring the level up to about an inch or so of the neck and resealed the airlock on it. It didn’t immediately fizz or kill the yeast so fingers crossed eh?

See also  Grimstead Green

The airlock is still burping every 30 seconds or so and I’ll leave it cooking away over there till it quiets down. Then I’ll give it a taste. Something to look forward to before the main batch is ready for bottling.

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