This was my weekend project: displaying a few of my finds in a glass-front case. Notes from various sources including myself, and maybe a little shifting has occurred since I hung it on the wall…
1- LEAD TOY GUN: An incomplete lead toy gun of Post-Medieval date, c.AD 1600 – 1750. Only the stock remains. This is likely to have been a firing toy, and would have taken small powder charges. It is unlikely that it could have been charged sufficiently to have caused any damage, nor could it have been fired with any accuracy.
2- COIN WEIGHT: A Post-Medieval copper alloy coin weight, probably dating to AD 1604 – 1619. The obverse depicts a half-length figure of James I. This weight measured a ‘unite’ which was 22 shillings.
3- Shoe fastener: An almost complete copper alloy clog clasp (c. AD 1500-1800). 4- Star of David Prayer medallion (WWI)
5- Spectacle Buckle: 17th c. Whitehead, 522.
6- Toy Cannon: A cast copper-alloy toy miniature canon (17th-19th century). Seal Matrix: Incomplete cast copper alloy seal matrix (c. AD 1700-1850).
7- Purse Bar-WILT-36ABE3: An incomplete Post Medieval copper-alloy purse-bar, dating to AD 1450-1550.
8- Watch winders: AD 1850-1900
9- Spur and Buckle: 17th c.
10- Ballerina: modern: 1950’s
11- Snake Buckle and Annular Brooch: Copper alloy snake buckle, Post-Medieval to Modern, 1850-1950. A complete medieval copper alloy annular buckle (c. 1300-1400.)
12- Harness Pendant: A Medieval enamel inlaid copper alloy harness pendant, (c. AD 1200-1400.) The design represents the arms of East Anglia (azure three crowns or.)
13- Fox Family button: Confectioner Walter Richard Fox, 18th c.
14- Otter hunt buttons: 17-18th c.
15- Stock Buckle: It was used to hold a length of silk around a gentleman’s neck like a cravat. 1720-1780.
16- Girl guide promissory pin – 1970s