Roman at last!

I’m very chuffed to find my first clearly Roman coin today!. I think I’ve had others but they were so badly worn that I don’t think it really counts.

  1. Roman coin: antoninianus, or radiate depicting Diocletian, 284 to 305 AD
  2. A button that says “Greshman Club” on it. The Gresham Club was a gentlemen’s club in the City of London founded in 1843. It was named after Thomas Gresham and its last site was located on Abchurch Lane off King William Street.
  3. George V Half Penny 1918
  4. George III Penny 1701
  5. Lead cow’s head.
  6. Emerald green bottle, Icilma Vanishing cream, 1921-1953
  7. Nifty looking key or something.
  8. Not shown: Couple of musket balls.

See also  Our own Brand

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