Wintered Apples couldn’t wait

Because of the cold start to this past spring I didn’t get out the apple seeds I tucked into the fridge last fall and really just forgot about them.  Today (August 6th!) I decided to open the little packet on my fridge door and found that several of the seeds couldn’t wait to be planted! I’ve carefully cut them away from the paper towel and planted in small pots. One pot I left the seedling sticking out a few centimeters and the other I covered with about the same depth of soil.

The tiny plastic bag marked ‘Actindia Argunta.’ Which are Kiwi seeds. I don’t think whatever’s in there is kiwi now, but I planted them too. I think they’re from a neighbor’s hedge which produces tiny red fruits like crab apples. Don’t think they’re crab apples though… we’ll see!

All this is in prep for changes in my garden a couple of years in advance where I envision some apple trees done in ‘Espalier’ style along the fence and maybe some hedges along the other.


See also  Olive

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