earthborn no longer

Original version:

Sara rushed into the room, the early spring sun highlighting her form like a Christmas ghost. I could see the excitement in her face and her posture. And the wings, I could see the wings they had given her as she shifted to the side to fit them thru my door way.

She couldn’t come any further than the foyer so I met her there, awkwardly giving her a hug and trying not to let my eyes roll up at the arching white wings nearly reaching my 14 foot ceiling.

“Its OK to look she said, turning a bit to the side as she hugged back. Even half embraced I could feel the taught muscles and sinew they had added to support the wings.

Sara did a full turn for me and gave my hand a squeeze, her face shiny and full of light. She could see the question on my face without my saying it.

“Yes, they work!  Gods above Bill, they work!”

100 word version:

Sara rushed in, bathed in the early spring sun’s ghostly glow. Her excitement was evident in her face and posture. Those wings—they were unmistakable as she squeezed through my doorway.

We met in the foyer, exchanging an awkward hug. I tried not to stare at her wings almost touching my towering 14-foot ceiling. “It’s okay to look,” she reassured, shifting slightly to display them. I felt the added muscle and sinew.

Sara spun around, her face radiant. She sensed my unspoken question. “Yes, Bill, they work! They really do.”

Haiku version (for Mitzi)

See also  Jonguler

Spring sun’s soft embrace,

Her wings touch the ceiling’s grace,

In awe, we embrace.

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