“W——’s enthusiasm for botany frequently takes us ashore. Landing at the foot of some eroded steep which, with ragged charm, rises sharply from the gravelly beach, we fasten Pilgrim’s painter to a stone, and go scrambling over the hillside in search of flowers, bearing in mind the Boy’s constant plea, to “Get only one of a kind,” and leave the rest for seed; for other travelers may come this way, and ’tis a sin indeed to exterminate a botanical rarity. But we find no rarities to-day—only solomon’s seal, trillium, wild ginger, cranebill, jack-in-the-pulpit, wild columbine. Poison ivy is on every hand, in these tangled woods, with ferns of many varieties—chiefly maidenhair, walking leaf, and bladder. The view from projecting rocks, in these lofty places, is ever inspiring; the country spread out below us, as in a relief map; the great glistening river winding through its hilly trough; a rumpled country for a few miles on either side, gradually trending into broad plains, checkered with fields on which farmsteads and rustic villages are the chessmen.”
Excerpt From: Reuben Gold Thwaites. “Afloat on the Ohio.”