How it went down

I think it went something like this:
Dave! Dave! Dave!
Dave! this is important Dave! Shut listen! Are you listening Dave? Not you Chuck, go back to sleep! Dave Dave Davey David!
Yes I’m listening Rich go ahead please. Emphatically please yes.
Dave the thing to remember is…the near..Er…wait.
(Waits a long time…)
The nearer you are…no wait
I’m waiting yes, point taken sir.
Dave! The important thing to remember is:
“The nearer your destination the more you’re  slip-sliding away!” Yes by God that’s it.(collapses back in chair )
Chuck: Weren’t we listening to Warren Zevon?
Dave: Shhhhhhh
See also  No news is sucky...
Posted in life permalink

About FlashJ

I was born a small grey alien on the south side of the Kanawha Valley to a Coal Miner's daughter and the son of a son of a sailor.

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