waiting for the patch

Magic duels has several broken cards in it; the worse so far is Angel of Tithes not letting you actually pay to attack . Also the interface often puts the spell your casting on top of the target creature.
The story mode is interesting if you want to know how the various Planeswalkers came to be and the interstitial art work doesn’t look like it was stolen from a card, its just over used.
But the single most annoying thing is that it will frequently go offline and refuse to connect again even when I have wifi and cell data connections! So your progress is lost and you have to do the bloody fight all over again! Which also means I can’t play while traveling to work.

If you’re using an archetype deck it doesn’t let you change it afterwards, so if you get new cards you have to destroy it and start over.  Scoring this a low 3 out of 5 stars. If they patch it, it could be worth a second look



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