Already a scorcher

I came home from a stay over in London to find that my orchid plant was turning brown and loosing flowers! I believe it is from the excess heat that accumulates in the conservatory. It still has 6 or so blooms out of the 13 plus it had before but it may be that I’ve caused it too much stress and it will not last till August. I moved it to a spot in the kitchen where it will not get direct sun and the heat is better regulated.

It would really be something if it stayed in bloom all that time but I may have signed its death knell.

The new olive tree seems to like it though it will stress from lack of water as well.

And my poor pineapple top that has hung on all thru the winter got too much water and has turned brown in the center. There are still green leaves on it but I think inattention has killed it off too.  I’ll start another one soon. I need the fresh fruit for my blender drinks. 🙂

See also  Garden notes from August

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