
The only message I ever got from the Baptists and Methodists in my youth was “Stay out of trouble and you won’t be IN trouble.” I think Will Smith put it better: “Don’t start nuthin’ ain’t gonna be nuthin’.”
But there were several really good teachers in our little high school and I wish I could let them know how all their long suffering hours helped me grow into an adult. And that’s not to diminish our vice principal mr. Hussell. I can think of at least 3 times he helped me out and I wasn’t aware enough to realize it at the time and say thank you. Mr. Shy, Mr. Moore, Mrs. Moore. mr. Marcum, mr. Plymale ? Mrs. Rollins! Mrs. Berry. Mr. Kilgore. All the rest. Thank God for all of them. I remember their names and wish I was half the mentor the least of any of them are.

(no points for that awkward last sentence!)

See also  and to bed

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