Those ladies were back in Trafalgar square today. You know the ones. They dress a bit Eastern Block but when they speak it’s always a bit Cockney. I suppose they were going for a Liza Dolittle look. They were giving … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: January 2015
Dream hat trick: 1) I dreamed I was at work and used a soda machine and it gave me a huge handful of change then dropped 5 bottles of soda. I passed them around then realized none of them were … Continue reading
I always believed that Breakout game cheated, but hey. A pixel’s a pixel, right? … Continue reading
I’m a victim of a late night today and I find my muzzly-thinking brain has me watching Hoarders and asking if I am a hoarder? I have stuff I haven’t even touched in a year’s time. Some of it has value, … Continue reading
Last week as I was walking home a gentlemen coming from the other direction smiled and said “Hello.” as he passed by. I said hello back and when he was a few steps past me he said: “Bloody Polish!” I thought I must have miss heard … Continue reading
Last night when it was important for me to stay awake I struggled to do so. 2015 was barely 10 minutes old before I trundled to bed. Tonight it’s already 11pm and I can’t settle. Typical.