What goes around

Fifteen years ago on a cold January morning I couldn’t sleep and ended up at work so early the front door wasn’t even open yet. I took that as a sign I should go find breakfast and coffee. There aren’t many places in central London open for breakfast before 7:30 am but I found a little side street diner a few blocks from the classroom building and went in. It was warm and bright inside, full of construction workers and dustmen. The staff was all eastern European and welcoming. I had a no frills breakfast and lots of coffee and was in a way way better mood to face my day when time came to report in. The only downside was that the radio in the diner played “Millennium” by Robby Williams and it was stuck in my head all day long.

I rarely get to have a proper breakfast on a weekday and it was something of a treat and indulgence for me.  Those kind of mornings I don’t mind repeating every decade or so. 🙂

See also  Chapter 5: Class Assignment 4, part 4

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