Maybe it was the podcast about fear I was listening to…maybe I thought the car looked dodgy. Maybe because people are always asking me directions and I don’t know any for the area I was in. Anyway I kept walking with eyes forward and down. He gave up after a third shout and drove on. A few minutes later the same car drove by in the other direction so I’m guessing he just wanted directions. I feel bad I didn’t try to help but…what? I’m conditioned to be inside my little bubble from the moment I rise till I get to work. Strangers surround me for hours and you’re expected to pull yourself in and pay no attention to things going on around you.
I am a private person, I don’t like people asking me questions till I really get comfortable with them. A scene in a TV show last night had this line: “I didn’t ask where you got your money, don’t ask me where I get my socks.” Nosy people really bug me.
That’s why I’m doing this blog. To respond to the urge for communication, but do it at a bit of a distance. Till I get to know you a bit better.
Its a tricky bit of juggling.