Dream Police

Dream hat trick:

1) I dreamed I was at work and used a soda machine and it gave me a huge handful of change then dropped 5 bottles of soda. I passed them around then realized none of them were the flavor I wanted. I remember saying “Look at me, complaining about free soda!”
When I went to my office I found it was different from I left it, including a large screen on an armature. I referred to it as ‘the pit and the pendulum.’ I was handed a seating chart and when I went to where my new desk was I found it was tiny cubicle that didn’t have room for a phone and a screen. There were no walls either. Very Office Space.

2) I was interviewing someone who had a bizarre species of catfish that lived in the dead carcass of larger fish. When the lady who owned it went out to show the photographer her little girl told me to have a nice nap in the sun.

I almost made it to sleep when they came in with the catfish and it smelled awful! I think it was also a walking catfish because they didn’t have it in a tank or bowl. I remember the mother said “There’s something you should know about the catfish.”

3) I dreamed I was trying to convince some guy I was part Italian. I told him that because I liked the Napoli region and Napoli style pizza I assumed my ancestors were from there.
Then I worried that there wasn’t a Napoli region of Italy.

I said ” To look at me you wouldn’t think I had any Italian in me.” For that I got a hug. Then a huge dog with curly grey fur came in and jumped on the bed.

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Oddly I was not bothered by this.


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