Portrait of Flash as a young man…

I want to do a podcast but I seem to be spending all my time listening to people who do it better! Like this guy:
Check out the http://nlcast.com/ website for the whole catalog.
He also moderates the hobby podcast group here on Facebook.
(I was a patron before he read my story in episode 230, honest!)



Here’s what I sent in, they used it almost verbatim…

Dear J and J:

It took me ages to come up with some things that I believed as a child. That’s a long way back when you’re 55! I hope you find one of these worthy of comment:

I remember believing that I had some unknown super power that just hadn’t appeared yet. I tried different things to make it kick in but the most common thing was when I got a shiver I would try to focus it into some sort of mind blast. I remember trying to explode tree stumps and make pits in the ground appear.

I also thought I could have learned how to fly Peter Pan style if people hadn’t told me I couldn’t. Once you believe in something like Gravity its hard to shake it off.

Third one is a bit religious oriented:

At Sunday School they told us that God saw everything and was everywhere and knew every little thing you did. I was willing to believe this but couldn’t figure out how he was doing it. So I decided in my 7-year-old brain that God used insects. That the antennae on ants and butterflies were his way of keeping track of whatever you did. Made perfect sense otherwise why did spies on TV worry about their phone calls being ‘bugged?’

See also  astronomical dawn

Cheers from London via West b’gawd Virginia by way of Indiana…

Flash Jervis (Patron)


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