Turn your head and cough London

Thanks fellow traveler. Thanks for sitting down across from me with your cough and your sniffing when there’s plenty of single seats around us where no one has to face you. Hey! You want help picking your teeth? Rubbing your eye with the same finger maybe? Listen I’m new to this and I didn’t grow up in a society that embraces public transport but you’ve had it for 150 years now, haven’t you figured out a few polite social rules yet? C’mon! I can’t sit here with a mask on all the way to London can I? hmmmnnnn…

I wouldn’t be the only one with a mask on…

See also  sigh


Turn your head and cough London — 1 Comment

  1. For heavens sake could you stop picking at yourself and rubbing whatever you’re coming up with on your jeans. Drink your grolsh and settle down. Thanks for using a napkin to loudly blow your nose on. I pity your macbook.