Slam dunk: Magic:2014 on iPad

I’ve just used my Mindmaze deck to beat all the opponents in the revenge level of Magic:2014. The only one who gave me real trouble was Garuk. He has a load of those ‘prey upon’ cards that make illusions go bye bye. Once I got enough counter spells out and copied his 7/7 snake a few times he decide to go play in the forest again. No to be honest I was below 5 lives in several battles but they died before I did. Still surprised how many of the opponents lack good fliers. I think Nicol Bolas was the hardest to beat across the last three expansions.

64 cards! though when I port it to Lackey I will add one or two more counter spells.


Magic 2014
Just won by delivering 25 points of damage with only 3 mana on the board.

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