Just a little grockle on the beach…

I had a post that said “Welcome!” on it but I don’t remember what it said so I’ll just quote from my old webpage:

I’ve found you just can’t afford to just go live on an island someplace, or even Kokomo for that matter without doing something to pay the bills. But in cyberspace all things are possible so in my mind, and on the internet I’m already there! Just like a real beach this one changes a little every day so come back often to see what may have washed up on shore. We all enjoy taking time out for a little grockle on the beach don’t we?

Speaking of which, I don’t tend to mention work much since this is a personal blog but they ask that the following disclaimer be posted on any site I might mention my employer for 30 historic years.

“The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the views of my employer, my friends, family or the man upstairs.”

Now on with the blogging of Things…

See also  Excellent short film on Vimeo: "Dust"

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