I hate it when I’m right, about the wrong things…

Juat an hour or less after I put the primary fermentators in plastic tubs against the possible seam s[litting or top fizzing off it happened. To the Wild cider version.  The lid could have leaked or the tap not screwed on properly but about half the container was lost.  Well not lost but no longer drinkable. Just in a two inch deep puddle around the keg.

I cleaned it up and added another half gallon bottle of apple juice. I will now have to give it an adiditional couple of days before moving to bottles.   Which also means I might need to buy some more, I don’t think I have enough bottles to complete two full runs.  Oh wait I have that 1 gallon bottle I bought a few weeks back. It will do for a still cider I’m guessing.

Dang, I’m having a day of near misses with the alcohol today…  keeping finger’s crossed!


See also  Sassy Cidre

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