Amber “white Label”

Pasteurized a batch.

Basic process can be found here on the home brew forums:
I bought a stock pot and a floating candy thermometer at Meijers to aid in the process.

Its Still mostly to start with, but at the proper tart/sweet level so I’m going ahead. I did 2 gallons (which I’m surprised is more than a 12 case of bottles, where is my math!??)

The other is a lovely orange color from the (american) cider but no hint of fizz or tartness. Too sweet at this stage. So I’m going to take it out of the fridge and put it in the basement for a few more weeks and see how it goes. The outside temps are dropping too low at night for more garage time so I am using the basement for its time honored purpose of stashing my home brew. 🙂

I was going to mark this lot with a P on the top for Pasteurized but I found the permanent marker isn’t all that permanent and the P on the lid will just smear. The caps already look tarnished after just one use. The white duct tape sticks really well to the bottles so that will be enough for me to discern them from the other Autumn Amber bottles.

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Amber “white Label” — 1 Comment

  1. Was just sampling the last bottle of the previous batch and comparing it to the Still cider I just made. Its amazig the range of flavor between the new one that’s sweet and Still but apple-ly and this one now 8 months old and tasting dry and fizzy and tart!