
I dreamed a very vivid dream last night.
It was about running into a high school friend of mine named Triplett. He was on campus (some campus) and I ran into him at a bike rack where both our bikes were. We talked for a while and then he invited me over. He didn’t look much older than he did in high school, and I remember telling him I saw him once before but couldn’t get his attention. He was apparently living with an Armenian family. (Don’t ask me how I knew that, I don’t speak Armenian.) and I was trying to think of things I’ve done since high school that would be interesting to him. I don’t remember what I came up with. I do know one of us said we were working with the Cesium atom. I don’t think it was me. 🙂
Then it was time to go home and I was directed to a train platform nearby and when they asked me where I lived I said something like South Park, or Southwark. Instead he gives me a ride home in a convertible.

See also  Fearsome heat

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