Letter from Geraldine Jervis: APRIL 4TH, 1986

Letter from Geraldine Jervis:

APRIL 4TH, 1986

Dearest Son + Family
Will write a few lines to say hello and I finally got a long awaited letter from you. I called back after you called and you were away at work. I decided not to call again so I wouldn’t disturb Cindy, I know how it feels to just get to sleep and have to get awake.
Congratulations on the coming of the new arrival. I hope for a Grandson too. As for the name, you all do the Naming, but a name given after the grandparents would be nice, you would need twins for that tho. Just Kidding. I Wish and hope the best for Cindy and the new baby.
Maybe you will get a little birthday present in August, this letter finds things shaping up for me a little at last, we got a job thru Welfare, working two days a week doing house cleaning + garden work. The work is in my back door so I can be there without any problem and its during school hours too. I’m real glad, I’m suppose to get 100.00 a month. Starting may 10. Things have been rought but there’s always things that could be worse, I’m Hanging in there and pray every day to stay in my right mind, I’m glad you like your work and things will turn out OK for you all
you all can buy homes throw low housing here in W.va now. I’d like to give it a try, maybe you could help me check a place out when you all come down. its a shame to let 225.00 a month go into Someone else’s pocket. Tell my little girl that I love her and thanks for the heart.
She’s doing good, tell her I have a set of Raggdyann dolls when she does get to Wva. I moved from Kenova and wrote you, I was waiting for you to write to my new address, I figured you never got my letter.
Rt2. 2521
Apt 4-Box 6
Wayne, Wva
Kelly and Ron both have been here to visit me and Kell give me a few dollars when he does come by, Ron has got his pay tied up in bills. He wants to quit and go to florida but I hope he doesn’t, as for you job, you had better Stay With it, they are too hard to find, Hang in there, maybe the book will bring you a big prize. I will fix you one to type up. Call it
Old Fashioned Short Remedys
In the Modern World.
any Something to that affect.
I live at the Belchers apt – apt 4 upstairs at the end of spunky bridge. You know where it is – I’m looking forward to your all home visit, always pray – look up and do the best by everything, you won’t loose. Tell Cindy to send me her old support hose, to wear,
Love always.
Your Mom

See also  test audio

Tell Mr. + Mrs Vollmer, Hello from the Hills of Wva.

(Grammar and punctuation hers.)

Posted in life permalink

About FlashJ

I was born a small grey alien on the south side of the Kanawha Valley to a Coal Miner's daughter and the son of a son of a sailor.

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