cider update

Still hitting about 50-50 with the cider. One sample was.. .no wait 66%. One sample was flat and vinegary…not poisonous, but not drinkable. There was another from the Jan/24 batch that was flat but tasted good, so I put in  a tiny bit of honey to kick the fermentation off again and one that was only slightly fizzy but very drinkable. 
I had 27 bottles which left 1 out of its protective box so I decided I would drink that one. 🙂  A new batch will be started this week. I need to have 6 bottles each month moving forward to support the planned 1 bottle a week and two to share. hymn, ned to do the math on that again.
Oh and the feb cider that I recanted and stored out in the storage area hasnt exploded like the stuff in the Original Sin bottles, though technically its been too cold for it out there. I will move the rest out when night time temps stay above freezing then probably bring it back in when outside temps top 70. Might not be that long a period actually, something else I need to research.

See also  Andrew's Apples

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