Slow and steady.

The jug of cider mixin’ is sitting in my living room next to the plant stand. Its not particularly warm there, and I had originally placed it in a warmer location but JJ nixed that. It doesn’t look like its doing much at this point, roughly into day 3. I have to remind myself that the smaller jug of ‘cheap stuff’ is a week older than the big bottle and its made with apple juice, and has a whole lot more sugar in it than straight cider has. Its bubbling away about 1 bubble every second.
We’re going to Frankenmuth this weekend and I’ve planned a route that goes past several orchards. I’ll post via email or road-tweets and then fill in the details when I get back.
The next step, is called “racking” and its where you basically siphon out the good stuff and leave the dregs at the bottom of the bottle. I’m expecting to do that on the 2nd or third of November. Mustn’t get too optimistic at this point, It could be that the pasteurized cider has killed off the yeast before it got going and I’ll just have stale old cider in a week.

IF so I have a plan B.

See also  Addlestone cloudy


Slow and steady. — 1 Comment

  1. ooo!!! Have a great time in Frankenmuth. I’m assuming you are going to Bronners and having dinner at Zehnders (if not, you SHOULD).

    Haven’t been there for several years…it was just before mom started her decline when we made the drive. Sad, really, considering it’s only a bit more than an hour from us, but probably just as well because I have a difficult containing myself when it comes to Christmas ornaments/decorations.