“There’s something real Strange about my boy Billy…”

I honestly thought I dreamed this song! I couldn’t find anyone who remembered hearing anything like it. In fact I can’t imagine how I came to hear it back what had to be 1974 or so. Probably some weird AM station or re-broadcast on CB. Or whatever. Anyway I was googling the lyrics to “The Ghost inside” by Broken Bells which came up on http://lyrics.wikia.com so I thought I’d searcch for the only line from the song I remembered and it found it:

Its a bit tedious to listen to now and I think the version I heard was live. Not too many songs about werewolves around though, and I thought there I remembered there was some howling in this like in “Werewolves of London” but I guess reminiscence isn’t what it useta be…

See also  more random thoughts from Flash...

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