Journal fragments

The third and last entry from the small journal I found of my mothers, I think this is something she saw in a paper or heard on the radio. Its very sarcastic, and its signed ‘Gussy.’

Politics Politics
Has it ever came a long ways.
In my day it was a sin and totally indecent for a lady to smoke, drink or hav a say in her husband’s affairs. but listn to this, We have women’s livb today, which is god I suppose but I’ve no desire to tak eon Man’s work or posisitons like digging ditches with pick and shovel or run a bulldozer or fly an airplane or ride to the moon. Its progress all right bot for women to think they are stronger than men is for the birds. our politics have gone out the window. When I started voting a no. of years ago the Standard of a person entering politics whas to be an upright moral man with a clean record and bill of health which consists of 1 faith a 1 wife and no criminal record of any . Not even a parking ticket and enough money to see him thru the campaign. We looked forward to meetin gthat person in my day.
Now I hear an see the women doing man’s work including going into space, flying planes and fixing engines, working in the mines and getting electe dto do man’s work in our government. And I hear this morning that some woman who had just been cleared of a murder charge is going into politics. Baby you better believe We’ve come a long long ways.
I’m not again porgress but the lady that man would want to hold in his arms and talk sweet nothings to isn’t there any more.
Fragment Two:
……..supper and sat down to Watch tv.
She never gets to go and play with anyone here on this creek for they all won’t play with her. She cries about it all the time and I stay up and sit as well. The folks that live here on this creek think they are too good for us to assoicate with and their idea of being christian makes me sick to the bone. My Jesus died for all on the Cross and I don’t worry for I will get to Heaven as soon as sooner than they.
KellyRay returned home and told me he wanted some clothes washed and left again. Ron never came home at all. Christie I went to bed early and KellyRay retunred home later and watched some TV and went to bed.
Today is my good mother’s birthday and she’s 82. I never called her, I should have but I never went outside at all when the weather is cold. I cannot stand to be outside.

March 3-84.
Today is my..

This is where the rest of the journal was torn away.

See also  A Limerick

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