Dear Hazel

After the previous note from my mother is this short letter written to a Gospel show on a local radio staition, the key part of this is her naming her sister Mary who I was just writing about in my story as not knowing how they were related to me. Aunt Mary really was Aunt Mary. I’m gonna use this info to do some more genealogy research. She followed it up with lyrics to a Gospel song, I haven’t found it online though…

Oct. 20, 83.

Dear Hazel
Just a few lines to say hello and I’m a steady Listener.
I love to hear all the Gospel singing that you play each day. I like to hear the names called that have requested songs for a lot of those people I nnow from Fort Gay and the Crum Area. I attended Crum High School in the 50’s.
My favorite songs are:
“My little Shack beisde the road.”, “Mail order from Heaven” , “Gloryland” , “God’s Coloring Book”, and “Calling my Children.”
Please play “Mail order from Heaven” for my sister Mary Ellen Porter. Who lives on Taylor Creek. Requested by her Sister, Geraldine J. Stephens of Wilson Creek, Wayne Prayer is also requested for her.
I listen to WFGH every day so I’ll be sure to hear this request.
My prayers go out for you doing a great job putting out the program.
Geraldine J. Stephens
Wilson Creek
Wayne Co.

I take a look.
Every time I take a look in the good book
I remember when Jesus said follow me
and you can meet me in glory land.
When the Roll is called up yonder we will be there
When I take a look in the good book I remember
I want my life to be an open book
so I won’t be ashamed of my name that is
Written there ……. in Glory land.
I’ll take a Stand and praise Jesus on every hand
for when the roll is calle dup yonder I’ll be there.
When I take a look in the good book I remember
jesus saying I’ll be your Mother Father Sister and brother
and you’ll need no one but me I remember.

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